Wwelcome to The Gathering Scoutmaster Joe Williams and Boy Scouts Troop 5 & Cubmaster Ginny Hamrick and Cub Scouts Pack 75 and members of Cub Scouts from Pack 28. The scouts, parents and their leaders volunteered to help with trash and recycling pick up during The Gathering Oct. 30 and Nov. 1. "As scouts we are committed to doing Public Service and "Leave No Trace", said Cubmaster Ginny Hamrick. "This is cost effective, and fulfills their monthly community service hours." Local companies interested in loaning or renting golf carts or four-wheel-drive vehicles to help the scouts haul trash is greatly appreciated for this non-profit regional community-wide event. Please call 540-554-8730. The Scouts are working on merit badges white at The Gathering. Information about 29 Merit Badges scouts can work on at The Gathering are posted online (poster to right; list below link). |