- Do not talk while an elder is speaking on the address system.
- Dress properly-nothing too revealing for the ladies.
- Leave the chairs around the dance area alone. They are for the dancers--bring your own.
- Do not touch the dancers or their regalia.
- Ask before you take a photo—it's just polite and dancers may have religious reasons for avoiding photos. Never enter the dance arena for a photo.
- Listen to the MC. He will tell you when to take your hats and caps off during traditional dances.
- When a blanket dance is announced, be prepared to donate a few dollars when the blanket passes you. The money will be donated to the person or drum group being honored.
- Ask people around you to explain things you don't understand-most will be eager to share their knowledge with you.
Source: Powwow Etiquette www.NativePeoples.com