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Berryville VA -- A local Shawnee Indian and Nanticoke/Lenape Indian are sharing their personal frybread recipes with Boyd’s Nest Restaurant owner Kim Ragland Monday, May 4 at 12:00 noon as part of a preview event for “The Gathering.” Kim’s hand at frybread is expected to be a huge success since Kim is a “food anthropologist.” Kim is also developing a “Three Sister’s Stew” to help feed the dancers and drummers participating in the “Harvest Dance” or pow-wow like event that takes place during “The Gathering” this fall. As a matter of fact, Kim is planting the seed, to grow the food, to make the stew, to feed the people. “The Gathering” event planners are preparing for 200-300 dancers in Native American regalia and 4,000-6,000 people to attend what could be an annual multicultural 3-day event at the Clarke County Fairgrounds. Kim plans to develop, test and preview her own frybread recipe during the Berryville Farmer’s Market before selecting a favorite to serve during “The Gathering.” “I think everyone will be hooked on Kim’s frybread and stew and are invited to taste more at “The Gathering,” said René White executive director for “The Gathering” and local Lumbee Indian. FRIEND-RAISING. “With this frybread effort we’re ‘Friend-Raising’ during the Farmer’s Market and “The Gathering” instead of ‘fund-raising,’” said Sue Peoples co-director education committee for “The Gathering” describing her vision for several educational celebrations of agri-culture partnered within the community this spring, summer and fall. FRYBREAD. Frybread varies not only by region, but also by family. While most cultures around the world have a version of fried dough – sopapillas, beignets, fritters, doughnuts and so forth, none is as versatile as Indian frybread. You can dip it in stew or berry gravy, smother it with honey butter or powdered sugar, or serve it as an Indian taco. LOCATION & TIME for the Frybread event: Monday, May 4, 2015 at 12:00 noon at 32 W. Main Street, Berryville, VA 22611 CONTACT INFORMATION for REPORTERS: News reporters interested in covering this event, please let us know. René White Sanctuary on the Trail™ 540-554-8730 [email protected] or Kim at Boyd’s’ Nest 540-535-5252. | As a matter of fact, Kim is planting the seed, to grow the food, to make the stew, to feed the people. THE GATHERING. “We’re inviting everyone for Thanksgiving dinner this fall and we need to know how much seed to plant,” said René. “As for those visiting the Farmer’s Market in Berryville, we believe events and activities like this can help gage the state of community within our community. Because when we share our Native American Indian culture whether through a “Farmer’s Market” or “The Gathering” we transmit this beautiful way of life to our communities, our children and our grandchildren. We hope everyone can join us for Thanksgiving this Fall at the fairgrounds.” The Gathering is scheduled for the Clarke County Fairgrounds Fri.-Sun., Oct. 30-Nov. 1. More is available online at these web sites: PARTICIPANTS in the Frybread Event are: Kim Ragland – Boyd’s Nest Family Restaurant Owner; Sheila Hansen – Shawnee Indian (Fauquier County and “The Gathering” Elder and Co-Director Harvest Dance); Lenny Harmon – Nanticoke and Lenape Indian (Loudoun County); René White – Lumbee Indian (President Sanctuary on the Trail™ and “The Gathering” Executive Director); Sue Peoples – Nice Peoples™ “The Gathering” Elder and Co-Director Educational Committee; and with support from Tracey Pitcock – Clarke County Parks and Recreation, “The Gathering” Elder and Co-Director Educational Committee. |