There are 29 of the 100 Boy Scout merit badges available to work on during The Gathering Oct. 30 - Nov. 1 at the Clarke County Fairgrounds in Berryville, Va. “This is one of those ‘once in a life-time’ opportunities for youth in our community,” said Rene’ White retired USAF and executive director for The Gathering. “Boy Scouts should get in touch with their | merit badge counselor and explain that they want to earn badges at this historic Native American / Virginia Gourd Festival.” The Gathering is chuck full of opportunities to recognize the achievements of your Cub Scouts and Adult Awards as well. With the help of a counselor / parent, here are the official requirements of the Boy Scouts of America web site and includes these badges that can be worked on or completed at The Gathering: |
| Let the Spirit of The Gathering Catch You |